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Non-Invasive Chiropractic Treatment for Disc Pain

Written By Destination Wellness on October 27, 2022

man with disc pain

If you have persistent back pain combined with numbness, tingling, or pain that radiates down one leg, you may have a herniated disc. While some people experience no symptoms of disc herniation, others have serious, chronic symptoms that require chiropractic care. If you’ve been Googling “chiropractor near me in Manalapan” because you have back pain and think it may be a herniated disc, Dr. Richard Allen here at Destination Wellness Center can help with these non-invasive chiropractic care treatments:

Chiropractic Adjustments

During a chiropractic adjustment, Dr. Allen will use his hands or an instrument to manually adjust the position of your spine. The goal is to gently shift your spine back into alignment, causing a bulging or herniated disc to retract back into place. This reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve and can eliminate symptoms like back pain. You may need more than one session of chiropractic adjustments in order to experience long-term relief from back pain.

Traction Therapy

Traction therapy is another non-invasive chiropractic care treatment for back pain and disc herniation. Traction is performed on a motorized traction table, which Dr. Allen will control with a computer. You lie on the table fully clothed, and the table gently stretches your spine. As your spine stretches, space is created for the herniated disc to move back into place. This chiropractic care treatment only takes around 15 to 20 minutes and does not cause any pain or negative side effects. Like spinal manipulation, you may need more than one treatment for results.

Passive Therapies and Exercises

Dr. Allen may recommend one or more passive therapy or therapeutic exercises and stretches as a complement to other non-invasive chiropractic care treatments. Therapeutic exercises may include strategic exercises meant to strengthen the muscles of the back so that it can better support the spine, reducing your back pain and strain. Gently stretching the muscles and tendons that support the lumbar spine can also ease inflammation and stiffness that lead to back pain and improve circulation and mobility.

Visit Us at Destination Wellness Center for Back Pain Treatment

Don’t let back pain prevent you from working, exercising, or taking part in your hobbies. Our chiropractic care team at Destination Wellness Center can diagnose the underlying cause of your back pain and determine if it’s due to a herniated disc. We will then develop a chiropractic care plan that addresses the cause of the pain, rather than just treating the symptoms.  We specialize in gentle, effective, and non-invasive chiropractic care in Manalapan, NJ.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (732) 780-7333 ext. 1 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Low Back Pain Back Pain Treatment Disc Pain Treatment